
About Dr. Cheryl Hanly

Thanks so much for visiting our site and taking interest in Creedmoor Wellness Center. We are redefining wellness!

My name is Dr. Cheryl Hanly. I am a native of Kansas City and have been practicing in North Carolina and Virginia since 2005. It is my passion to make a positive difference in the lives of the people with whom I come in contact.

Chiropractic is an amazing vehicle with which to exercise my passion. I first learned about chiropractic care at the age of 19 when I worked for UPS. That job required a lot from my body physically and it was the power of chiropractic that kept me going.

My passion for this healing art grew as I watched my father’s plight with allopathic medicine. He was prescribed medication after medication and they performed every procedure imaginable on him to try to help with his heart and lung complications. This included their desire to perform a heart and lung transplant on him when he was 80 years of age.

I knew, in my heart of hearts, that there had to be a better way. I knew that the human body was an amazing machine, and there had to be a way other than pumping it full of drugs and surgery. What I found was chiropractic.

When I finally understood that the central nervous system controls everything that happens in the human body, I had found the answer. I graduated Magna Cum Laude from Cleveland Chiropractic College in Kansas City in 2005 and haven’t looked back since.

Currently, I am richly blessed with the most amazing patients in the world. My youngest patient is 18 hours old, my oldest patient is 93. My smallest patient could fit in the palm of my hand. Together, what we have discovered is that there isn’t a single condition that the human body can’t overcome. Give the body what the body needs, and the body will heal, correct, and repair itself.

You owe it to yourself, your body, and your loved ones to have your spine and nervous system evaluated, and discover how magnificent you can feel.