Welcome to Creedmoor Wellness Center
This is the place that will remind your body how to be alive and vibrant.
This is the wellness center that will reawaken your spirit and excitement for life.
We are all born whole; as divine emanations of our creator. To live on this earth is to live in our own divinity.
We must cherish life and the time we have with loved ones.
There is not time in life’s hectic schedule for it to be interrupted because your body doesn’t want to participate in your heart’s desires.
If your body hasn’t been feeling quite right and you are frustrated with your inability to get answers that make sense, this is the place for you. Creedmoor chiropractic care beings at the Creedmoor Wellness Center…
Dr. Hanly specializes in Chiropractic adjustments that help bring balance to the spine and nervous system.
This allows the body to thrive. Dr. Hanly also uses acupuncture to bring an energetic balance to the body, creating an even greater level of balance, health and healing.
Our creator designed us to express health and vitality 100% of the time.
You owe it to yourself to have your spine and nervous system checked. Don’t let another day go by with your dreams and desires being limited by your body’s imbalances.
Creedmoor Wellness Center provides the very best in chiropractic care.
We invite you to view the success stories from our patients, and then come see for yourself.
About creedmoor wellness Center

Thanks so much for visiting our site and taking interest in Creedmoor Wellness Center. We are redefing wellness!
My name is Dr. Cheryl Hanly. I am a native of Kansas City and have been practicing on the East Coast since 2005. It is my passion to make a positive difference in the lives of the people with whom I come in contact.
Chiropractic is an amazing vehicle with which to exercise my passion. I first learned about chiropractic care at the age of 19 when I worked for UPS. Read more about Dr. Hanly…

Chiropractic care, which is designed to detect and correct the presence of vertebral subluxation, is an amazing vehicle that allows Dr. Hanly to exercise her passion to make a positive difference in the lives of the people with whom she comes in contact.
Acupuncture is one of the fastest growing health care modalities in America. It helps the body restore it’s normal balance and flow of chi so organs and bodily systems can work together in harmony as intended.
At Creedmoor Wellness Center we understand the confusion surrounding nutrition and offer a wide variety of classes and individual nutritional counseling to try to dispel the myths and lies, and bring health to the forefront.